Monday, April 26, 2010

Make A Statement... A Loud One!

Who knew so many trends would flutter through the Spring season -- but this one is exciting, bold and doesn't need to be expensive! Being trendi is all about having the ability to try and seek new looks for yourself, that draw attention in all the right ways. It's about having the confidence to make your every piece unique and individually "made" for you.

What are we talking about? Statement jewelry is all about uncommon, rare pieces that accentuate everything about you, and your existing sensuality. It draws attention to your neckline, your dazzling finger, or makes the frame of your face more chiseled with the brush of your glitzy earrings. It's fun, and gives you the chance to create your own look. It's really the pieces that define your trendiness.

Try some of these pieces:

Fabric and Feather Beaded Drop Bib Necklace - $51
Statement Earrings with Faceted Stones - $17
Lyra Wooden Bead Necklace - $60
Multistone Cluster Ring - $24
Dimante Necklace - $130
Designer Jewellry Purple Cuff - $27
Cara Accessories Crystal Bib - $48
Sparking Sage Crystal Ring - 38

Ultimately there should be no hesitation in buying these statement pieces, because they're for everyone... but if you have some doubts on who has already been courageous in wearing these bold looks, check this out: (Rhianna, Beyonce, & Eva Mendez pictured below wearing statement jewelry).

Happy Monday! Enjoy checking these websites out and finding the
right statement jewelry that individually suits you.

Ciao you bold divas!

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