Monday, April 5, 2010

Our Biggest Pet Peeve!

Sorry for the delay in posting -- But we've been in awe over some of the serious fashion victims on Ocean dr. and we want to share the reason why!

So obviously everyone wants to start exposing their feet as the days get sunnier, well there is a minor problem that some of you have maybe never been aware of. If you're toes are hanging off your shoe, DON'T BUY THE SHOE! It's bad enough that many guys have a foot-phobia... but now your long (not necessarily unattractive) TOES are hanging off! This takes all the attention from your shoe... NOT OK!

If you're guilty of making this mistake, don't feel so bad because some of our favorite celebs have made the same mistake! For example: Fergie at the Japan 2009 Music Awards

There are ways you can avoid this problem if this happens to you often. We know you want to expose your adorable pedicure, so try shoes that have a peep toe, or have more support on the sides of your feet. Something super strappy and completely open in the front might not be a style that really suits you. But seriously girls, as your friends - PLEASE don't do this.

Can't tell you how many girls in Miami thought this was OK. YUCK!

Stay posted this week, while you update you on some of the other super adorable or Not-so-cute trends we saw during the WMC (Winter Music Conference).

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